May 29, 2007

CAnteen CLose~~~~

WAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! GUESS WAT!!!!!!!!!!!

THE CANTEEN IS CLOSE FOR ONE WEEK COZ GAWAI!!!!!!! wat am i goin to eat for dinner durin tis week!!!!!!! EAT GRASS AH!!!!!!!!!!

HAi~~~bopien today cook mee hoon segera for diner coz i js notice tat the canteen is close when i gt bac from com lab....and it is oredi 7sth......cant go out eat pula~~~~~

BUT nt bad la the taste.....tom yam koong flavour mee hoon soup....hehe

LOOK NicE rite~~~~ YUmmy~~~~

Plus twisties CHEESE flavour ( after meal desert)

SHit!!!! im gona be FAT~~~~~~ T.T

Just cant stop eatin....haha....watever~~~~lolz

Debbie ho u thought only u got green monkey mer~~~~~ i oso got one....much more cutier than urs!!!!! blek~~~~~~~

HEllo, my name is pInkY~~~ muaks muaks~~~~

SEE~~~~i got a ribbon at my tail~~~~ I noe im cute~~~~ :P

GUess who is this........OMG~~~~~~

DOn tell ppl i noe u !!!!!


miiro said...


woi ur monkey so cute, same like mine la.. but urs can take everywhere one!! sien~ where u buy woi
buy for me
*cough*my birthday present *cough*

ee who is that.. so pretty~~

Diana Lim said...

Cheebai is nid add the chao ok!!!! ish~~~~

WHOSE monkey is tat...mine wo...of coz CUTE LAR!!!! bought it at cindy (RM 5 only) got mar?? hehe...

BUy 4 u??? u gt com back kch baru say lar~~~~~ hahaha :P

Anonymous said...

damn u lar gal! hmp! dun 4gt, grace gave me 'pai gu mee' hohoho~~~ better than ur tom yam mee hoon! kao lar u~~ so enjoying~~~~ i ate plain bread + cereal nia a~~~~ damn cin cin de canteen!!!! damn de lakias!!!!

niNi said...

wei de monkey so cute la!!!
i wan i wan!!!
my double chin hata buy 4 me oso..
my birthday wan arrive le o..wahaha...
n u 2 reali soOooOo CHU ok!!!

JJ said...


miiro said...

fine. i wont buy bday present for u!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bye bye

Diana Lim said...

TO nini: okok..wait i cum bac ya..

TO jj: ciken la u

To jy: small gas d u...T.T...i wana buy better d 4 u mar~~~~

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