May 24, 2007

International nite

LAs saturday nite me n hamchipeng went to INTERNATIONAL NITE organized by CURTin Uni.....the place is at piasau boat club...which is damn far frm our hostel....hehe

THe dress code for the nite was traditional costume....shit la saya mana ada!!!

SO me n hamchipeng decide to get one......after spending d whole afternoon at d shopin complex we finally gt it....I bought a black cheongsam top n hamchipeng bought a white cheongsam dress.....wei whit~~~ sexy hamchipeng..... :P

KEK cute~~~~ :P

The group photo~~

( up from left: me, hamchipeng, Bong, Phebe, Ah wei, Teck lung, RAlph)

( down from left: Irwin, Tommy, KInG )

They all look nice lar~~~my costume sucks!! bought wrong shirt T.T

BY the way....tat nite bit chu la coz they dint aspect so many ppl to show up so the food was not enough.....ppl who line at the back dint get to eat( includin me n hamchipeng)....shit....js drink a bowl of duno wat soup n few butter prawns nia..... im speechless~~~~

So after the INT nite we went for second round.....OF coz not in tis costume change got change....hehe

Reli have fun with u guys la tat nite....hehe.....

NExt tis is for NINI ( the 'o' v president)

ps: DEbbie i oso got.... :P


niNi said...

later i add u ya...

niNi said...

ask ppl help u tak la...
sangat bodoh la kamu!!

DevilSaphire AKA tonyhawk8802 said...

景江 ask why hamcipeng wear so tight, shape come out lor...
光健 say why the gurl neng 凸凸的


DevilSaphire AKA tonyhawk8802 said...

cancel the 字符啦!

AppleMint said...

Shit lar! no size liaw mar, pluz bought it laz minutes so cincai lar~~~ damn u lar diana, simply post my pics~~~~ nah!!!! ciken chu lar~~~ bt i 4give u!!! muaks~~

DevilSaphire AKA tonyhawk8802 said...


Diana Lim said...

shut up la GL n JJ

JJ said...

.....sob.....cibeh hata...

Diana Lim said...

To nini: IM shy mar~~~ :P

To Gl: I duno how to cancel...hehe

To JJ: Who as u 2 owes qurrel here ah!!! betahan~~~ haih~~~

TO hamchipeng: I cancel ur pic liao lar~~~ dun angry me lar~~~ btw thx for "tat tink" i owe u much

miiro said...



love u loads! LOL