Aug 23, 2007

Got Tagged!!!

Shoot!! Got tagged by CRazy LInG n pig Tracy....ok let's see what can i write..........

Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

8 facts about me:

1. My name is Diana Lim Sing Yiau. Nickname HATA. Date of birth----03.07.88 ( important!! )

2. I love to EAT, SLEEP and WATCH TV programme.

3. I love to shop and travel around. I wana travel around d world!! (But sounds impossible la)
Great place to shop: KL, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok.
Dream place: London, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Italy, Rome, Greece, France……

4. I love hanging out with frens……gossip n fooling around

5. I love my Dad, Mum, Grandma, Ting Ting and friends. I love WANG LEE HOM !!!

6. Waiting for my “special one” now.

7. I have dark skin, big eyes, long eye-lashes, nice teeth( as my frens says) and a round face.

8. I have big thighs…so what!!!

My 8 lucky pickers:

Cha sau bau NIni
Chicken n Cow LJJ
Cold HUa Set
Pilipino?? Hamchipeng
Chu Queen Debbie Ho
Car car eRikay
BIg aSs Yong
susan@ CAREN WonG


Diana Lim said...

Dun care u!!! Blek~~

niNi said...

lol...round face gud gud gud!!!
db oso wan liao...muahahaha....


LinGLinG said...

noe ur yan jie mao gou qiao la dun haolian la.. wakaka..

LinGLinG said...

walao.. nini faster than me 1 mins..

niNi said...

DOU SA BAO my hata~~~~

JJ said...

u forget to say u gt a long long nose eh~~~~~~~~~~`````````

t.R.a.C.y said...

ur face round?
dare to snatch my words!!!!
got rounder than me meh!!!!

Diana Lim said...

OHya nini we forget got TRacy!!! SHe is NO:1 !!!! lolz

To jj: SHut up la u!!!

AppleMint said...

...u dare to tag me??? i dun care :p bleh bleh bleh~~~~ hit me lar~~~
muaks dear

Susan Yek said...

hei... hata...
y everyone make tat tag?
for wad 1?
nice to eat?

JJ said...



Diana Lim said...

BElacan not nice la....cook with wine better

TO san: I thought u dissapear ki la...lolz

Bong Bong said...

hahas! walao ehh.. funny hor...