Mar 9, 2008

Dance Lover check tis out !!!

Godsoul~~~ a new dance group created by 14 members who love dancing. They are all from kuching ( clapping hands for kuchian...hehe). To all ppl out there please check them out as they do nid our supports!!! Hey c'mon....we sarawakian oso can locking n breaking ma.....

They do perform in public so anyone who need dancers please view their blog--- You can find the contacts there. All gals are gorgeous n all boys are hawt in Godsoul, especially the leader! (wahahaha...couzie u owe me one)

Honestly I do like their performance. For more details please go check out their clips at Youtube or visit their blog-----

Here are the pics of the members in godsoul

The Gorgeous

The Hottiest

ps: GODSOUL gambathe yo~~~ strive for your dreams~~~~


t.R.a.C.y said...

only the left side guy look not bad~

Diana Lim said...

hehe...agree agree

guess who is d 3rd guy frm d left